Can not coder conversion

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Guillermo Soriano
Guillermo Soriano 2015-5-12
回答: Arnab De 2015-5-14
Hi. Does anyone can explain me what does it mean and what I must do to correct? My code start like this:
function varargout = Toyalisis(varargin)
%TOYALISIS M-file for Toyalisis.fig
% TOYALISIS, by itself, creates a new TOYALISIS or raises the existing
% singleton*. % % H = TOYALISIS returns the handle to a new TOYALISIS or the handle to % the existing singleton*. % % TOYALISIS('Property','Value',...) creates a new TOYALISIS using the % given property value pairs. Unrecognized properties are passed via % varargin to Toyalisis_OpeningFcn. This calling syntax produces a % warning when there is an existing singleton*.
Then, when I try to use the coder, I received following warning: >> coder -build Toyacoffee.prj ??? Top-level function cannot have varargout.
Error in ==> Toyalisis Line: 2 Column: 23 Code generation failed: Open error report.
I made before some encoding with same statements at the top... from a GUI code... and succesfully. I will appreciate very much for a support Willy

回答(1 个)

Arnab De
Arnab De 2015-5-14


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