Is there a way to write protect an m file.

9 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi ,
I have a project with multiple m files. And I am told that I need to write protect it, so that no one can change it. Is there any way to write protect an m file. Thank you.
  2 个评论
Stephen23 2024-11-6
"Is there any way to write protect an m file"
An Mfile is just a text file, so you can use whatever tools your OS has for preventing text files from changing.
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2024-11-6
编辑:Bruno Luong 2024-11-6
Note that even if the mfile is written protected, someone can copy it elsewhere, modify it and easily make MATLAB to use a modified version by addpath command. Those so called protections are then very weak.
pcode is a little bit harder to crack. You probably have to pcode not only the sensitive mfiles but all the caller function as well.


回答(2 个)

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2024-11-6
You could transform mfile to pfile than depioy it. See pcode command

Shashi Kiran
Shashi Kiran 2024-11-6
Here are some methods to protect your files from being edited:
1. Protecting Code with P-code Files:
  • MATLAB allows you to secure your code using P-code files, which prevents users from viewing or editing the source code.
  • To do this, navigate to the directory containing your .m files and add them to the MATLAB path.
  • Then, use the "pcode" function to create a P-code file:
pcode file1.m file2.m
Refer this for more information about P-code files
2. File System Permissions:
  • You can change the file system permissions using the "fileattrib" command in MATLAB to make the files read-only.
  • By using '-w', you remove the write permission, effectively making the file read-only.
fileattrib('file1.m', '-w')
Refer this for more information about "fileattrib"
Hope this helps.


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