How to call the marked library to handle the markdown language when introducing HTML in Matlab appdesigner?
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How to call the marked library to handle the markdown language when introducing HTML in Matlab appdesigner? Currently, I am using the local marked library, but Matlab shows that it is not supported
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Hi @健文
To use the "marked library" in MATLAB App Designer, there is a limitation with the "uihtml" component:
"HTML files that you specify for the HTMLSource property cannot access third-party JavaScript libraries by way of a Content Delivery Network (CDN). Save libraries in a location that your local file system can access."
By saving the "JavaScript" libraries locally you can access them
Here's an example implementation:
1. Download "marked.min.js" :Go to and save the code locally.
2. Save the HTML content
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Markdown Renderer</title>
<script src="marked.min.js"></script> <!-- Local JS file -->
<div id="content"></div>
window.onload = function() {
var markdownText = '# Marked in the browser\n\nRendered by **marked**.';
document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = marked.parse(markdownText);
3. Set the "HTMLSource" field of your HTML component
Now the rendered Markdown content will be displayed as follows:
Hope this helps!
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