UIContextMenu when defined does not show in Matlab 2021b

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a class that inherits from matlab component container. I define a uiaxes in the setup method. Since, the setup method does not allow access to the parent figure of the object, I cannot add a uicontextmenu to the figure. To get around this I added a CreateFcn.
In the CreateFcn I define a uicontextmenu and add it to the uiaxes defined in the setup method. When I check the uiaxes object, the menu is added correctly. The menu although does not show up when I right click in the created GUI.
I have the same code and it works on every version after 2021b. Could someone help with how I can make this compatible with 2021b?

回答(1 个)

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2024-11-12
uiaxes/uifigure are not compatible wit axes/figure. I recommend simply do not make a switch.
  2 个评论
aamir ibrahim
aamir ibrahim 2024-11-12
This is what worked for me. In R2021b, I had to use a ButtonDownFcn for the uiaxes and then launch and position the context menu from the ButtonDownFcn. Although this does remove the default axes interactivity and I had to reset that manually using enableDefaultInteractivity.



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