Plot 12-leads ECG signal in one figure

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
How to plot 12-leads ECG signal in one figure?
The ECG data are included in the structure:
% Create a structure to hold the ECG data
N = size(rawData,1)
ecgData = struct();
ecg = struct();
% Therefore
% The augmented vector leads and lead III are derived as
% III=II-I; aVR=-(I+II)/2; aVL=I-II/2; aVF=II-I/2
ecgData.V1 = rawData(:,8);
ecgData.V2 = rawData(:,4);
ecgData.V3 = rawData(:,5);
ecgData.V4 = rawData(:,6);
ecgData.V5 = rawData(:,7);
ecgData.V6 = rawData(:,1);

回答(1 个)

Taylor 2024-11-13
You can use the tiledlayout function.
  1 个评论
Star Strider
Star Strider 2024-11-13
To use the commonly-accepted plot format for a 12-lead EKG —
EKG = rand(12, 30)
EKG = 12×30
0.5645 0.8383 0.9293 0.4759 0.2917 0.8711 0.0790 0.9383 0.3629 0.7670 0.3053 0.3313 0.6932 0.7450 0.9173 0.4848 0.4852 0.7757 0.3993 0.8642 0.9678 0.1893 0.0029 0.4950 0.6808 0.7747 0.7169 0.6671 0.2423 0.3959 0.8346 0.0080 0.8694 0.6672 0.0756 0.1891 0.0386 0.1905 0.3308 0.3633 0.9056 0.5663 0.0607 0.4615 0.8307 0.4357 0.7547 0.2617 0.9895 0.2473 0.7645 0.0714 0.7314 0.4927 0.0580 0.7093 0.0834 0.7614 0.1604 0.2625 0.7353 0.4712 0.6174 0.5418 0.4913 0.1357 0.0045 0.7354 0.9782 0.3538 0.4078 0.0894 0.0471 0.5717 0.3178 0.2072 0.7388 0.4853 0.2316 0.8900 0.7048 0.3913 0.7248 0.8711 0.0827 0.8154 0.4226 0.7317 0.4774 0.9993 0.5804 0.5589 0.2256 0.2275 0.8435 0.2975 0.8315 0.8307 0.2032 0.3711 0.3858 0.4426 0.3072 0.1347 0.6333 0.3395 0.8182 0.5393 0.2128 0.9491 0.7247 0.9907 0.4502 0.7987 0.1446 0.8287 0.4681 0.2318 0.5833 0.2779 0.3054 0.7665 0.3990 0.7260 0.8752 0.9698 0.0291 0.3596 0.0361 0.1887 0.1596 0.0973 0.0348 0.7675 0.6196 0.7757 0.6376 0.2788 0.1162 0.0094 0.2840 0.4705 0.9523 0.3854 0.4726 0.0779 0.2481 0.7228 0.3456 0.1751 0.5994 0.3085 0.9341 0.4567 0.4454 0.4668 0.2510 0.1486 0.6184 0.8891 0.4057 0.3810 0.1174 0.8287 0.7848 0.7574 0.3315 0.0272 0.5625 0.3506 0.2205 0.3259 0.4701 0.6399 0.1888 0.7560 0.3870 0.4428 0.0767 0.9314 0.4941 0.1226 0.9174 0.5963 0.2986 0.2626 0.7647 0.9381 0.8315 0.9004 0.0209 0.0567 0.1619 0.0858 0.0560 0.8939 0.5899 0.8741 0.7095 0.6759 0.5728 0.0349 0.5623 0.1894 0.6255 0.3233 0.5584 0.9196 0.2863 0.7257 0.1768 0.0133 0.1665 0.3105 0.7845 0.0356 0.2371 0.1885 0.8909 0.1795 0.0383 0.4794 0.5287 0.9687 0.3971 0.1250 0.2866 0.2687 0.1672 0.2529 0.0052 0.3402 0.1213 0.5489 0.3356 0.0668 0.7513 0.6273 0.2124 0.9235 0.3989 0.1727 0.3985 0.9819 0.1970 0.0623 0.2177 0.6404 0.6514 0.5170 0.4117 0.4923 0.4770 0.2187 0.2354 0.3681 0.6646 0.3215 0.4120 0.7325 0.9181 0.4085 0.0583 0.6451 0.8610 0.0919 0.2277 0.1116 0.1433 0.1861 0.3687 0.6180 0.9247 0.4730 0.7439 0.0673 0.8539 0.9445 0.0316 0.6098 0.4841 0.9943 0.8368 0.7453 0.1034 0.0296 0.1981 0.6951 0.5283 0.1107 0.3203 0.2422 0.2506 0.3752 0.6030 0.0987 0.2803 0.4782 0.1536 0.1619
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t = linspace(0, 3, 30);
Leads = ["I" "II" "III" "aV_"+["R" "L" "F"] "V_"+(1:6)];
tiledlayout(3, 4, TileIndexing='columnmajor')
for k = 1:12
plot(t, EKG(k,:))



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