speed control of exporting animations in mlx

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
There's a little button of 'export animation' on the bottom right of each animation made in mlx. Though 'playback speed' can be adjusted when viewing the animation in mlx, can this playback speed be also inherited into the exported animation file through 'export animation' or else?

回答(1 个)

Manikanta Aditya
Manikanta Aditya 2024-11-14
编辑:Manikanta Aditya 2024-11-14
When exporting animations in MATLAB Live Scripts (mlx), the playback speed you set within the mlx environment does not automatically carry over to the exported animation file. The exported animation will play at a default speed, and looks like there isn’t a direct option to inherit the playback speed setting from the mlx environment.
However, you can control the playback speed of the exported animation by manually adjusting the frame rate during the export process. For example, if you’re exporting to an animated GIF, you can use the imwrite function to set the frame rate.
Refer to the following documentations:
I hope this helps.
  5 个评论
Manikanta Aditya
Manikanta Aditya 2024-11-15
If 0.05 doesn’t seem to make a difference, you might want to try experimenting with different values. For instance, try setting DelayTime to a smaller value like 0.01 for faster playback or a larger value like 0.1 for slower playback.
feynman feynman
feynman feynman 2024-11-15
i tried many values, including 0.1, 0.01, none of them makes a difference



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