How to perform feval function operation correctly on multiple GPUs

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Thank you in advance for your help!
I am currently using Matlab 2021b on a Linux system with 4 GPUs (I only want to use the first two). The issue I am facing is that I created a parallel pool with the first two GPUs, and I am using a CUDAKernel object within a parfor loop. However, the CUDAKernel object cannot be serialized.
Following the suggestion from Joss Knight(Thank you very much for his help), I used parallel.pool.Constant to construct a Constant object and passed the constant to the worker processes once. This solved the serialization issue, but I am still unable to generate the desired output using feval.
My bug information is:Attempting to access the property or method of an invalid object
Here is my code,I use parpool to create a parallel pool for the first two cards and use CUDAKernel objects from the parfor loop:
parent_addr = '/data/mice_data';
date_list = '20230410mice';
if ~isempty(gcp('nocreate'))
device_num = gpuDeviceCount;
using_num = device_num/2;
parpool('local',using_num); % Use the first two GPUs
system(['nvcc -ptx' cl_addr]); % Compile PTX
kCF = parallel.gpu.CUDAKernel('CF.ptx', '', '_CF');
kCF.ThreadBlockSize = [1024,1,1];
kCF.GridSize = [ceil(2000/kCF.ThreadBlockSize(1)),64*64, 128];
Some constant data...
kernel_const = parallel.pool.Constant(@()kCF);
data_addr = fullfile(parent_addr,date_list);
[mice_addr_list,mice_name_list] = findMiceFolder(data_addr); %my function:Retrieve folders for all mice
parfor no_mice = 1:numel(mice_addr_list)
rf_addr = fullfile(data_addr,mice_name_list{no_mice},'RF'); %RF path
[rf_addr_list,rf_name_list] = findMat(rf_addr,'RFData');% my function:Retrieve mat for all rf
for no_frame = 11:numel(rf_addr_list)
temp_rf_addr_name = rf_addr_list{no_frame};
rf_matrix = load(temp_rf_addr_name);
RFData_gpu = gpuArray(single(rf_matrix));
output_gpu = gpuArray(single(zeros(2000,128,64*64)));
gd = gpuDevice(2-mod(no_mice,2));
[output_gpu] = feval(kernel_const.Value, output_gpu,RFData_gpu); % Bug location


Joss Knight
Joss Knight 2024-11-14
What you have passed to parallel.pool.Constant is a function that returns the captured object; what you wanted was a function that constructs the object:
kernel_const = parallel.pool.Constant(@construct_kernel);
function kernel = construct_kernel()
kernel = parallel.gpu.CUDAKernel('CF.ptx', '', '_CF');
kernel.ThreadBlockSize = [1024,1,1];
kernel.GridSize = [ceil(2000/kernel.ThreadBlockSize(1)),64*64, 128];
Some constant data...
Now each worker will construct its own CUDAKernel object rather than you trying to pass it from the client.
If there is dynamic information for building the kernel then you can pass that into construct_kernel as additional arguments.

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