Cannot run Referenced model in accelerator mode

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am unable to run a referenced model in accelerator, I have no issue doing so when the model is opened as the top model but once it is included in another model and individually set to accelerator while the rest of the model is set to normal, then it doesnt work.
Invalid run-time parameter registration in S-function 'sfun_spssw_discc' in model 'MyModel'. An S-function can register run-time parameters only if the S-function is being inlined. To be able to reference the model 'MyModel', the S-function 'sfun_spssw_discc' needs to set the option SS_OPTION_USE_TLC_WITH_ACCELERATOR and it needs to have a TLC file.
I am not intentionally using any S - functions so I am a little unsure what to do with this error message
  2 个评论
Gayathri 2024-11-20
@Jake Gareau, Can you provide the simulink models so that I can take a look to find the issue.
Jake Gareau
Jake Gareau 2024-11-27
the issue seems to with models containing a 'Power GUI' block. Not sure if this is a simulink limitation or if there is some way around it



Abhas 2024-12-3
To address this issue, try using "powergui". Navigate to "preferences" and enable the option called "Use TLC file when in Accelerator Simulation Mode and for code generation".
You can refer the below MathWorks documentation links to have a better understanding:
I hope this helps!

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