plot csv with column names used automatically as x and y label

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
This is the data.
2024-11-18 03:37:01,0
2024-11-18 03:38:01,0
2024-11-18 03:39:01,200
2024-11-18 03:40:01,400
2024-11-18 03:41:01,600
2024-11-18 03:42:01,600
2024-11-18 03:43:01,800
2024-11-18 03:44:01,1000
2024-11-18 03:45:01,1200
This is the script.
data = readtable("results.csv","TextType","string");
plot(data.DateTime, data.Number);
I want to use DateTime for xlabel and Number for ylabel automatically.


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024-11-20
编辑:Walter Roberson 2024-11-20
data = readtable("results.csv","TextType","string");
plot(data, data.Properties.VariableNames(1), data.Properties.VariableNames(2));
  5 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024-11-21
Sigh, you should have mentioned earlier that you were using an old release.
data = readtable("results.csv","TextType","string");
plot(data{:,1}, data{:,2});


更多回答(1 个)

Rahul 2024-11-21
编辑:Rahul 2024-11-21
Hi Igenyar,
I believe you want to plot the two columns ‘DateTime’ and ‘Number’ of the given csv file ‘results.csv’, while using DateTime for xlabel and Number for ylabel respectively in a plot.
Based on the sample data provided, I am able to reproduce this issue on MATLAB R2024b, and the given script provides the expected plots.
I used the given sample table for creating a local csv file, in order to verify the provided script. The axes labels have been specified as variables names in data file ‘results.csv’. Here’s how the output looks like:
  • Generating sample csv file:
% Define the data
DateTime = {'2024-11-18 03:37:01'; '2024-11-18 03:38:01'; '2024-11-18 03:39:01';
'2024-11-18 03:40:01'; '2024-11-18 03:41:01'; '2024-11-18 03:42:01';
'2024-11-18 03:43:01'; '2024-11-18 03:44:01'; '2024-11-18 03:45:01'};
Number = [0; 0; 200; 400; 600; 600; 800; 1000; 1200];
% Convert DateTime strings to datetime objects
DateTime = datetime(DateTime, 'InputFormat', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
% Create the table
dataTable = table(DateTime, Number);
% Write the table to a CSV file
writetable(dataTable, 'data.csv');
  • Plotting column data on appropriate axes:
data = readtable("data.csv","TextType","string");
plot(data.DateTime, data.Number);
To know more about the usage of ‘plot’ function, you can use the following command in MATLAB:
>> doc plot
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024-11-21
plot(data.DateTime, data.Number);
That assumes column labels, but the premise of the question was that the column labels are variable.



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