extractHTMLText extracts only a part of a web page text

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I was trying to extract the entire text of an open-access scientific article (I hope this is legal! :-) ), but it looks like that extractHTMLText extracts only a small part of that text (it looks like just a part of the references, please see my comment to see what I exactly get):
url = "https://www.nature.com/articles/s44172-024-00270-9";
code = webread(url);
str = extractHTMLText(code)
How can I extract the entire manuscript?
  1 个评论
Sim 2024-11-21
Here below the result I get:
str =
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Umeshraja 2024-11-22
Hi @Sim,
I understand you wanted to extract entire text from the HTML page. To achieve this, you could set the 'ex' argument to 'all-text', which will extract all text within the HTML body, excluding scripts and CSS styles. Here's the script you can use:
For more details, please refer to the following MATLAB docuemntation on 'extractHTMLText'
Hope it helps!

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