Why does a marketing web page open every time I use documentation?
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When I try to access function documentation from within Matlab, I get a popup window over the documentation window and I am prompted to select a web site. I can use the cancel 'X' button to get rid of the window. If I select a country a web page is opened about Matlab products. As this happens every time I use the documentation it is disrupting my workflow.
3 个评论
SuLim Kok
移动:Walter Roberson
I recently installed MATLAB 2024a on my new laptop and encountered the same issue "Select a Web Site" kept prompting that I never faced on my old laptops with the same version. Despite trying all options, such as closing the prompt with the 'X' button and selecting different languages like US English, the prompt screen keeps appearing whenever I perform a search action in the help section.
Michael Šebek
I have the same problem with Matlab 2023b. It's terribly annoying. How to get rid of it? Pls help!
回答(3 个)
Star Strider
I am not certain that I can reproduce the behaviour that you report (although I am not certain that I understand what it is). When I click on the ‘Help’ button in the upper right corner of the toolstrip, that brings up a link to the online documenetation.
The function documentation no longer installs with MATLAB, and has not for the last few releases, simply because it is too large. The objective iis to reduce the MATLAB storage requirements, and download and iinstallation time.
See the documentation section on Install Documentation for instructions on downloading and installing it locally. (That can be done, although I generally do not do it.)
2 个评论
Star Strider
My pleasure!
I generally always have MATLAB open, and I allmost always use the online documentation (and have for several years), so I have never experienced the behaviour you are seeing.
Ian Townend
2 个评论
Star Strider
Thank you for sharing that.
Obviously not an option I considered.
When you did that, did you get the result you want?
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