HOw do I add ABB IRB 1520 ID robot to loadrobot input argument.

23 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to Estimate Pose of Fixed Camera Relative to Robot Base as per this link. But the robot I am using is ABB IRb 1520 ID. How do I add it to the library or use it in the code.


praguna manvi
praguna manvi 2024-12-2,15:42
编辑:praguna manvi 2024-12-2,15:42
It looks like you are looking to use the pose estimation example for the ABB IRB 1520 robot. However, from my understanding of the list of "robotnames" supported by the "loadrobot" function in the documentation link below, this specific "robotname" is currently unsupported. Please refer to the section on input arguments:
A workaround is to use the "importrobot" function, which can load a "rigidBodyTree" from a Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), XML Macros (Xacro), Simulation Description Format (SDF) file, or a Simscape Multibody model. For more information, refer to the following link:
Another workaround is to create a "rigidBodyTree" object for this robot with custom parameters. Here is a useful discussion thread on the topic:
Hope this helps!

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