hi, im a student from madrid, im trying to model a simple battery with the battery (table-based) block, but im getting a temperature related error

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this is the error im getting:
At time 2025.000000, one or more assertions are triggered. See causes for specific information.
Temperature adjusted first time constant must be greater than zero. The assertion comes from:
Block path: BATERIA_EJERCICIO_3/Battery (Table-Based)
the problem is that i have all the temperature related variables inside the battery deactivated and since it worked fine I tried putting the simulation time at 1800 and i know the battery is correctly build because i have another model made with simulink blocks doing all the necessary calculations and when comparing it below that 2025 its almost identical

回答(1 个)

Sabin 2024-11-29
I don’t have the model, but I suspect is issue arises from the data extrapolation. There is a mask parameter ‘Extrapolation method for all tables. If this parameter is set to ‘Linear’ we may end up with some unrealistic values depending upon the simulation scenario. Setting this parameter to nearest should use the nearest grid point and we should have protection against unrealistic values. I hope this helps.


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