Turbofan engine - black box identification
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Dear MATLAB Forum Community,
I hope this message finds you well. I am currently working on a project involving the black box identification of a double-stream motor using flight data, and I would appreciate any guidance or suggestions from those who have experience in this area.
The main objective is to perform a black box type identification followed by simulation. The primary input to the model is the position of the throttle lever, and the output is the rotational speed of the low-pressure turbine expressed as a percentage. Additionally, there are other influencing factors that affect the system's response, including:
- Flight altitude
- Speed (cas and Mach numbers)
- Temperature
- Pressure
- Air density
I am seeking advice on the appropriate procedures or methods to use for identifying the model. Any recommendations on tools, techniques, or resources within MATLAB that could help me in this process would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time and assistance!
Best regards,
Tomas Ort
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回答(1 个)
praguna manvi
As I understand, you are looking for black-box modeling of a turbofan engine. From a generic perspective, here is a useful guide from the System Identification Toolbox's documentation. It typically suggests choosing simpler structures and then proceeding to more complex structures:
Additionally, here is a link with the steps to perform System Identification using its GUI:
hope this helps!
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