Convert a Cell array to a timetable

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Hi, I have
A1=1x78995 cell array;
cell array {1x1800 double} {1x1800 double}.....
And A2 1x78995 cell with datetimes.
How can a create a timetable like
Time=timetable( [A2{1:78995}]',[78995x the first value of1800]'......,[78995x the last value of 1800])
so that I have a timetabel of 78995x1801 at the end.
Thank you.


Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2024-11-26
If you have a set of row vectors in a cell array
sampleCell = {1:10, 11:20, 21:30};
first to accomplish your stated goal you need to transpose them into column vectors.
sampleCellTransposed = cellfun(@transpose, sampleCell, UniformOutput=false);
Then pass them into the table or timetable function as a comma-separated list.
T = table(sampleCellTransposed{:})
T = 10x3 table
Var1 Var2 Var3 ____ ____ ____ 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 10 20 30
To make a timetable, of course one of the inputs must contain time-based data. In this case since none of the cells in sampleCellTransposed do, I pass it in as the first input argument.
dt = datetime('today')+(0:9).';
TT = timetable(dt, sampleCellTransposed{:})
TT = 10x3 timetable
dt Var1 Var2 Var3 ___________ ____ ____ ____ 26-Nov-2024 1 11 21 27-Nov-2024 2 12 22 28-Nov-2024 3 13 23 29-Nov-2024 4 14 24 30-Nov-2024 5 15 25 01-Dec-2024 6 16 26 02-Dec-2024 7 17 27 03-Dec-2024 8 18 28 04-Dec-2024 9 19 29 05-Dec-2024 10 20 30

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