How do I convert symbolic values to numerical for uitable ?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
How do I Convert symbolic values to numerical for uitable ? The table itself, tbl displays fine, but I want to display the same data into a uitable. The last column is symbolic
load datafile.mat
format bank
tbl = table(t',h', round(vpa(v),2)', 'VariableNames',["Time(s)", "Height(ft)","Velocity(ft/s)"])
fig = uifigure;
uit = uitable(fig,"Data",tbl)
  3 个评论
Doug Leaffer
Doug Leaffer 2024-12-3
Thank you, however this does not work: uit = uitable(fig, "Data", "ColumnFormat", "bank", tbl)
Error using uitable
Incorrect number of input arguments.
Error in uitable (line 54)
thandle = builtin('uitable', varargin{:});
Error in rocket_analysis_rev_DL (line 37)
uit = uitable(fig, "Data", "ColumnFormat", "bank")



Torsten 2024-12-1
syms x
f = x^2-2;
xsol = solve(f==0)
ans = 'sym'
xvpa = vpa(xsol)
ans = 'sym'
xnum = double(xsol)
xnum = 2×1
1.4142 -1.4142
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
ans = 'double'
  1 个评论
Doug Leaffer
Doug Leaffer 2024-12-3
Thank you. Your comments were helpful and this code modification worked fine:
load datafile.mat
format bank
vel = double(v);
tbl = table(t',h', vel', 'VariableNames',["Time(s)", "Height(ft)","Velocity(ft/s)"])
fig = uifigure;
uit = uitable(fig, "Data", tbl)


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