How to generate CUSTOM REFERENCEDESIGN for deep learning ip core?

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我想要将神经网络部署到我的FPGA上,但是我的FPGA并不是Matlab直接支持的,所以我在生成deep learning ip core的时候选择了‘Generic Deep Learning Processor’,我很疑惑的是这个IP核该如何使用,与之而来的是另一个问题,无论了注册开发板还是生成ip核,还是生成比特流,都需要reference design,这个reference design 到底该如何生成,里头到底该包含什么?
Jtag to AXI Manager是从哪里来的?是Xilinx的Jtag2AXI Master吗?
可是它只有一个Master AXI4 Channel?
looking forward to your reply!!!


Sahas 2024-12-17
To generate custom refernce design for Deep Learning IP Core, first you would need to train the neural network using MATLAB or other MathWorks Toolboxes such as HDL Coder, Deep Learning HDL Toolbox, SoC Blockset.
The following MathWorks documentation provides the steps and examples to prototype deep learning networks on FPGA and SoC devices with custom boards or with custom bitstreams or with custom bitstreams and custom networks.
Additionally, you can also explore the following MathWorks documenation top files for HDL IP Core Generation:
To answer your questions regarding "JTAG" and "dlprocessor_0", this block diagram is to show that the "Kintex FPGA" is packed into an "IP" and used as a block which is called "dlprocessor_0". So JTAG will be inside the IP core which you can generate leveraging the above documentation links.
I hope this helps!

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