HDL Coder; Matlab Function Blocks and Clocked Processes
Hi @Florian Rössing, As per my understanding, you would like to use a MATLAB Function Block in Simulink and configure it usi...
HDL Coder; Matlab Function Blocks and Clocked Processes
Hi @Florian Rössing, As per my understanding, you would like to use a MATLAB Function Block in Simulink and configure it usi...
6 days 前 | 0
How can I load a large (~2.3Gb) .mat file?
Hi @Madeline Myers, As per my understanding, you are cannot load a MAT file in your workspace whose size is around 2.3GB. Ple...
How can I load a large (~2.3Gb) .mat file?
Hi @Madeline Myers, As per my understanding, you are cannot load a MAT file in your workspace whose size is around 2.3GB. Ple...
6 days 前 | 0
hW.deploy stuck after programming the bitstream
Hi @KH, This issue mostly comes when using custom boards and custom bitstreams. In my understanding, the next processes which ...
hW.deploy stuck after programming the bitstream
Hi @KH, This issue mostly comes when using custom boards and custom bitstreams. In my understanding, the next processes which ...
3 months 前 | 0
I want to divide an array into x number of smaller arrays of size [m x n] (where x is = m *n) and then using a for loop fill those smaller arrays with the same value
Hi @Grace, As per my understanding, it seems there are two tasks at hand. First, you want to split a larger array into m*n n...
I want to divide an array into x number of smaller arrays of size [m x n] (where x is = m *n) and then using a for loop fill those smaller arrays with the same value
Hi @Grace, As per my understanding, it seems there are two tasks at hand. First, you want to split a larger array into m*n n...
3 months 前 | 0
Simulink automatically generates Verilog. How should it run on FPGA
Hi @wang, As per my understanding you would like to deploy a small part of your Simulink model on FPGA. I would recommend yo...
Simulink automatically generates Verilog. How should it run on FPGA
Hi @wang, As per my understanding you would like to deploy a small part of your Simulink model on FPGA. I would recommend yo...
3 months 前 | 0
I am facing an issue that is about Deep Learning HDL Toolbox is giving error that unrecognized field name is "connected" as mentioned in attached screenshots
Hi @muhammad, This error message occurs in MATLAB when trying to access a property name in a structure that does not have th...
I am facing an issue that is about Deep Learning HDL Toolbox is giving error that unrecognized field name is "connected" as mentioned in attached screenshots
Hi @muhammad, This error message occurs in MATLAB when trying to access a property name in a structure that does not have th...
3 months 前 | 0
Bitstream Generated through HDL workflow advisor
Hi @Rimsha Javed, Once the bitstream is generated using MATLAB's HDL Workflow Advisor, you primarily need the Xilinx Vivado De...
Bitstream Generated through HDL workflow advisor
Hi @Rimsha Javed, Once the bitstream is generated using MATLAB's HDL Workflow Advisor, you primarily need the Xilinx Vivado De...
3 months 前 | 0
Change the output data type
Hi @Ho, MathWork's "fixdt" function creates a "Simulink.NumericType" object describing a fixed-point or floating-point data ...
Change the output data type
Hi @Ho, MathWork's "fixdt" function creates a "Simulink.NumericType" object describing a fixed-point or floating-point data ...
3 months 前 | 0
how to make cross attention use attentionlayer?
Hi @dan qiao, As per my understanding, you would like to replace the dual-branch merge section of the model with cross-atten...
how to make cross attention use attentionlayer?
Hi @dan qiao, As per my understanding, you would like to replace the dual-branch merge section of the model with cross-atten...
3 months 前 | 0
| 已接受
construct a combination matrix from elements of two matrices
Hi, I can't identify any pattern or rule to systematically generate the resulting two matrices using a "for" loop. Therefore, ...
construct a combination matrix from elements of two matrices
Hi, I can't identify any pattern or rule to systematically generate the resulting two matrices using a "for" loop. Therefore, ...
3 months 前 | 0
How to generate CUSTOM REFERENCEDESIGN for deep learning ip core?
Hi, To generate custom refernce design for Deep Learning IP Core, first you would need to train the neural network using MAT...
How to generate CUSTOM REFERENCEDESIGN for deep learning ip core?
Hi, To generate custom refernce design for Deep Learning IP Core, first you would need to train the neural network using MAT...
3 months 前 | 0
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The FPGA resource estimation for device family 'Kintex Ultrascale+'
Hi, As per my understanding, you would like to use MATLAB's "estimateResources" function on a custom board "Kintex Ultrascal...
The FPGA resource estimation for device family 'Kintex Ultrascale+'
Hi, As per my understanding, you would like to use MATLAB's "estimateResources" function on a custom board "Kintex Ultrascal...
3 months 前 | 0
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Block 'untitled/单边磁拉力模块/Math Function1' outputs 'Inf' for element 1 of output port 1 at major time step 0.0009
Hi @文德, I was able to reproduce the error and as per my understanding, it is coming due to some numerical unstability or ove...
Block 'untitled/单边磁拉力模块/Math Function1' outputs 'Inf' for element 1 of output port 1 at major time step 0.0009
Hi @文德, I was able to reproduce the error and as per my understanding, it is coming due to some numerical unstability or ove...
3 months 前 | 0
Using fixed FPGA capacity for a variable number of Simulink signal channels
Hi @Ruairidh, As per my understanding, you want to model a MIMO system in Simulink with dynamically changing inputs P and Q ...
Using fixed FPGA capacity for a variable number of Simulink signal channels
Hi @Ruairidh, As per my understanding, you want to model a MIMO system in Simulink with dynamically changing inputs P and Q ...
3 months 前 | 0
How to make antenna gain and phase plots?
Hi @Krutant Mehta, As per my understanding, you would like to know how to plot Antenna Gain and Phase plots in MATLAB. MATLA...
How to make antenna gain and phase plots?
Hi @Krutant Mehta, As per my understanding, you would like to know how to plot Antenna Gain and Phase plots in MATLAB. MATLA...
4 months 前 | 0
FFT result dependent on number of interpolation points
Hi @Ali, As per my understanding, the "interpft" function is used for fourier interpolation by transforming the data into th...
FFT result dependent on number of interpolation points
Hi @Ali, As per my understanding, the "interpft" function is used for fourier interpolation by transforming the data into th...
4 months 前 | 0
How to numerically calculate volume under the curve?
Hi @Young Chan Jung, As per my understanding, you calculated the area under the curve using MATLAB's "trapz" function and wo...
How to numerically calculate volume under the curve?
Hi @Young Chan Jung, As per my understanding, you calculated the area under the curve using MATLAB's "trapz" function and wo...
5 months 前 | 0
How to implement a cascading option in simulink?
Hi @审言, As per my understanding, you would like to use the MATLAB System block in Simulink and define two mask parameters "N...
How to implement a cascading option in simulink?
Hi @审言, As per my understanding, you would like to use the MATLAB System block in Simulink and define two mask parameters "N...
5 months 前 | 0
Using contourfcmap in Matlabs App Designer:
Hi @Steve, As per my uderstanding you would like to use "contourfcmap" function from MATLAB File Exchange forum in the MATLA...
Using contourfcmap in Matlabs App Designer:
Hi @Steve, As per my uderstanding you would like to use "contourfcmap" function from MATLAB File Exchange forum in the MATLA...
5 months 前 | 0
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Counting orbits taken by a satellite
Hi @Aditya, As per my understanding, you are trying to get good and irregular orbits through the data in the attached CSV fi...
Counting orbits taken by a satellite
Hi @Aditya, As per my understanding, you are trying to get good and irregular orbits through the data in the attached CSV fi...
5 months 前 | 0
Iam facing Below Issues While Compelling the model in Matlab 2021rb
Hi, As per my understanding, you are trying to generate a simulation target MEX file for a Simulink model "APItest". From th...
Iam facing Below Issues While Compelling the model in Matlab 2021rb
Hi, As per my understanding, you are trying to generate a simulation target MEX file for a Simulink model "APItest". From th...
5 months 前 | 0
How to add vivado to the matlab in ubuntu/linux system?
Hi, As per my understanding, you would like to set up an environment for using Xilinx Vivado in MATLAB R2024b on a Linux mac...
How to add vivado to the matlab in ubuntu/linux system?
Hi, As per my understanding, you would like to set up an environment for using Xilinx Vivado in MATLAB R2024b on a Linux mac...
5 months 前 | 0
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Change internal mechanics of a prismatic joint during a simulation
Hi @Limeng, As per my understanding, you would like to modify the "Damping Coefficient" of the "Prismatic Joint" in the mode...
Change internal mechanics of a prismatic joint during a simulation
Hi @Limeng, As per my understanding, you would like to modify the "Damping Coefficient" of the "Prismatic Joint" in the mode...
5 months 前 | 1
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FPGA Synthesis and Analysis HDL Coder
Hi @Shubham, As per my understanding, you are using the HDL Workflow Advisor and would like to utilize the "FPGA Synthesis a...
FPGA Synthesis and Analysis HDL Coder
Hi @Shubham, As per my understanding, you are using the HDL Workflow Advisor and would like to utilize the "FPGA Synthesis a...
5 months 前 | 0
S function with function handle as class member of block.
Hi @younghwa park, As per my understanding, you would like to preload a function handle from a “.mat” file into a level-2 MA...
S function with function handle as class member of block.
Hi @younghwa park, As per my understanding, you would like to preload a function handle from a “.mat” file into a level-2 MA...
6 months 前 | 0
How do I sample a data set and then combine into an array to display three different variable?
Hi @John, As per my understanding, you want help in selecting 10 people randomly without replacement whose BMI is between 23...
How do I sample a data set and then combine into an array to display three different variable?
Hi @John, As per my understanding, you want help in selecting 10 people randomly without replacement whose BMI is between 23...
6 months 前 | 0
Does using the simulink-ps converter slow down the simulation speed?
Dear @Hamza, As per my understanding, when the model uses “PS Constant” block as one of the inputs of a physical system blo...
Does using the simulink-ps converter slow down the simulation speed?
Dear @Hamza, As per my understanding, when the model uses “PS Constant” block as one of the inputs of a physical system blo...
6 months 前 | 1
how to reduce ripple
Hi, As per my understanding, you are plotting the output voltages and current of a SEPIC converter when it operates independ...
how to reduce ripple
Hi, As per my understanding, you are plotting the output voltages and current of a SEPIC converter when it operates independ...
6 months 前 | 0
Input Driver reference to vehicle body in Simulink
Hi @Claire Bonnisseau, As per my understanding, you are modelling a car using Simulink that contains three main subsystems,...
Input Driver reference to vehicle body in Simulink
Hi @Claire Bonnisseau, As per my understanding, you are modelling a car using Simulink that contains three main subsystems,...
6 months 前 | 0
Frequency response of a hydraulic system in simulink
Hi @Shijun CHEN, As per my understanding, you are using the “Linearization Manager” to linearize the provided Simulink model ...
Frequency response of a hydraulic system in simulink
Hi @Shijun CHEN, As per my understanding, you are using the “Linearization Manager” to linearize the provided Simulink model ...
6 months 前 | 0