finding the value at a specific time from second-order ODE

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm new to MATLAB
I've been working on solving ODE and I now have learnt two ways to plot the 2-order ODE
  1. using ode45
  2. using conv() fucntion
Here's the problem : I want to know the value at a specific time for example f(2.5) when t=2.5
it can be displayed in any way like output in the command window or on the figure
please teach a way to output the value
I'll attach the files I've been working on
if you think the codes are tltr you could just give suggestions though
[time,y] = ode45('ode45_function' , [0 10] , [0,0]) ;
figure ;
m = 5;
k = 18;
c = 1.2;
f0 = 100;
wn = sqrt(k/m);
cc = 2*m*wn;
Dr = c/cc;
wd = wn*sqrt(1-Dr^2);
dt = 0.001; % assumed dt
time = 0:dt:10;
f = zeros(1, length(time));
f(0001:3000) = (f0/3) * (0:dt:3-dt); % Linear increase from 0 to 3 seconds
f(3001:5000) = f0; % Constant from 3 to 5 seconds
% f remains 0 after 5 seconds
g = (1/(m*wd))*exp(-Dr*wn*time).*sin(wd*time);
x = conv(f, g)*dt;
x = x(1:length(time)); % Ensure x is the same length as time
% x is the solution function for the 2-order ODE 
subplot(221); plot(time, f, 'r'); xlabel('t(s)'); ylabel('f(t)');
subplot(222); plot(time, g); xlabel('t(s)'); ylabel('g(t)');
subplot(223); plot(time, x); xlabel('t(s)'); ylabel('位移(m)');
% this is the function which I want to extract the specific value from
% it for ex: f(3), f(2.5) ...
function ydot=ode45_function(t,y)
if t<3
f= 100*t/3;
elseif t<5


Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2024-12-2
You could call ode45 with just one output argument and then call deval, or you could call ode45 with the desired time as one element of the timespan input argument, or (if you're using a sufficiently recent release of MATLAB) you could use the ode object instead of just ode45.
I also recommend you pass a function handle into ode45 rather than passing the name of the function.
One output with deval
sol = ode45(@ode45_function , [0 10] , [0,0]) ;
solutionAtTime = deval(sol, 2.5)
solutionAtTime = 2×1
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Timespan input contains the desired time
[t, y] = ode45(@ode45_function , [0 2.5 10] , [0,0]);
solutionAtTime2 = y(2, :).'
solutionAtTime2 = 2×1
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ODE object
odeobj = ode;
odeobj.ODEFcn = @ode45_function;
odeobj.InitialValue = [0 0];
results = solve(odeobj, 2.5); % Just solve at t = 2.5
solutionAtTime3 = results.Solution
solutionAtTime3 = 2×1
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  6 个评论
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2024-12-3
Yes, if the first component of y represents position then the second component represents velocity.


更多回答(1 个)

Torsten 2024-12-2
移动:Torsten 2024-12-2
The easiest (maybe slightly inaccurate) way is to use interpolation:
f_conv = interp1(time,x,2.5)
f_ode45 = interp1(time,y(:,1),2.5)


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