I need help converting this 3d plot to a surface

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have data tables from excel with the pressure, temperature, and entropy data for water that I got from a thermodynamics textbook. Im supposed to turn it into a surface I can 3d print, but im having trouble converting it frm a 3d plot to an actual surface.
Here is the 3d plot
and here is the plot3 code
This is some of my data.
Any help would be appriciated, im pretty stuck on this.

回答(1 个)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2024-12-3
Plotting it as a surface will probably require creating matrices from the vectors. Just looking at the images, that will probably require using the reshape function, with the same matrix-size arguments for each vector, so that they all have the same diimensions.
Then, it gets complicated, because you may need to create a STL file to give to your 3D printer. Creating the surface would require the trisurf function, and then the stlwrite function to save it in the appropriate format.
I have very limited experience with this procedure, so you will need to experiment with it yourself.


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