Looking for help to fix this error

16 次查看(过去 30 天)
The voltage source block 'DC Voltage Source' cannot be connected in parallel with the capacitive element defined in the block 'Series RLC Branch3'. Add a small resistor in series with the voltage source block, or with the capacitive element.
i am trying to implement this circuit, as shown in attached picture.
Even though the gate signals are connected , i still got the same error . looking for help how to resolve this, other than connecting a resistor , that make circuit less efficient

回答(1 个)

Sumukh 2024-12-4
This is an expected error message. It is not possible to simulate a system with an ideal voltage source when it is in a loop with only capacitors. This is because the voltage across a capacitor cannot change instantaneously. An ideal voltage source could supply an infinite amount of current to maintain its voltage when the circuit is switched on. A real voltage source has an internal resistance associated with it, which would cause the voltage to drop when the circuit is switched on.
The solution, as suggested within the error message, is to add a small resistor in series with the capacitor/voltage source block. The value of the resistor can be made as small as possible so that it has negligible effect on the efficiency of the system.
I hope this resolves your error.


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