Netwon algorithm with backtracking is failing
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Hello everyone,
I am implementing the Newton method with backtracking line search, but I am encountering a problem with the dimensions of a matrix after a few iterations, and I can’t figure out why.
The algorithm I am asked to implement is as follows:

And the function that i am working with is the following:

Below is the code I am using:
n = 2; m = 20; % Dimensions
c = randn(n, 1); % Random vector c
A = randn(m, n); % Random matrix A
b = abs(randn(m, 1))+1; % Ensure b > 0
% Define the function
f = @(x) (c' * x - sum(log(b - A * x)));
alpha = 0.3;
beta = 0.7;
iter_bt = 0;
%Newton method
x_init = zeros(n,1);% Create a n by 1 dimensional vector
x_n = x_init;
thresh = 10^(-6);
f_gradient = @(x) c'- (A' * (1 ./ (b - A * x)));
F_newton = f(x_n); % Save function values for plotting
X_newton = x_n; % Save solutions for plotting
solved_newton = false;
while ~solved_newton
vec = 1 ./ ((b - A * x_n).^2);
diagonal = diag(vec);
f_hessian = @(x) A' * diagonal * A;
% Compute gradient and Hessian
grad = f_gradient(x_n);
hess = f_hessian(x_n);
% Compute Newton direction
dxn_t = -hess \ grad;
% Compute Newton decrement
lambda_square = grad' * (hess \ grad); % Cancel the - sign in the dxn_t
% Check termination condition
if (lambda_square / 2) <= thresh
solved_newton = true;
% Backtracking line search
tau = backtracking_line_search(f, grad, x_n, dxn_t, alpha, beta, A, b);
% Update iterate
x_n = x_n + tau * dxn_t;
fprintf('Newton method converged to solution.\n');
function [tau] = backtracking_line_search(f, grad_f, x, direction, alpha, beta, A, b)
% Backtracking line search
% Inputs:
% f: function handle for objective function
% grad_f: gradient of f at current x
% x: current point
% direction: search direction (e.g., -grad for gradient descent)
% alpha: condition parameter (e.g., 0.3)
% beta: condition parameter (e.g., 0.7)
% A, b: constraints for feasibility check (b - A*x > 0)
% Output:
% tau: step size satisfying the conditions
% This implementation of the backtracking line search differs
% from the original due to the necessity of the feasibility check.
% Additionally, the order of the algorithm is slightly altered,
% though this should not present an issue.
tau = 1; % Initialize step size
while true
candidate_x = x + tau * direction; % Candidate point
if all(b - A * candidate_x > 0) % Feasibility check
if f(candidate_x) <= f(x) + alpha * tau * grad_f' * direction
break; % Feasible and satisfies all the conditions
tau = beta * tau; % Reduce step size
After a few iterations of the while loop, MATLAB throws an error related to dimension mismatch during matrix operations. The issue seems to arise when constructing the Hessian matrix using f_hessian. I suspect something might be wrong with the way diag(vec) or A' * diag(vec) * A is computed.
Any insights, suggestions, or debugging tips would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for your help.
2 个评论
You forgot to define f (see above).
Please test your code for completeness before posting.
n = 2; m = 20;
c = sym('c',[n 1]);
A = sym('A',[m n]);
b = sym('b',[m 1]);
x = sym('x',[n 1]);
f = c.'*x - sum(log(b-A*x));
grad = gradient(f,x)
hess = hessian(f,x);
f = matlabFunction(f,"Vars",{x,A,b,c});
f_gradient = matlabFunction(grad,"Vars",{x,A,b,c});
f_hessian = matlabFunction(hess,"Vars",{x,A,b,c});
A = randn(m, n); % Random matrix A
b = abs(randn(m, 1))+1; % Ensure b > 0
c = randn(n, 1); % Random vector c
alpha = 0.3;
beta = 0.7;
iter_bt = 0;
%Newton method
x_init = zeros(n,1); % Create a n by 1 dimensional vector
x_n = x_init
thresh = 10^(-6);
F_newton = f(x_n,A,b,c) % Save function values for plotting
X_newton = x_n; % Save solutions for plotting
solved_newton = false;
while ~solved_newton
% Compute gradient and Hessian
grad = f_gradient(x_n,A,b,c);
hess = f_hessian(x_n,A,b,c);
% Compute Newton direction
dxn_t = -hess \ grad;
% Compute Newton decrement
lambda_square = -grad' * dxn_t; % Cancel the - sign in the dxn_t
% Check termination condition
if (lambda_square / 2) <= thresh
solved_newton = true;
% Backtracking line search
tau = backtracking_line_search(f, grad, x_n, dxn_t, alpha, beta, A, b, c);
% Update iterate
x_n = x_n + tau * dxn_t
fprintf('Newton method converged to solution.\n');
function [tau] = backtracking_line_search(f, grad_f, x, direction, alpha, beta, A, b, c)
% Backtracking line search
% Inputs:
% f: function handle for objective function
% grad_f: gradient of f at current x
% x: current point
% direction: search direction (e.g., -grad for gradient descent)
% alpha: condition parameter (e.g., 0.3)
% beta: condition parameter (e.g., 0.7)
% A, b: constraints for feasibility check (b - A*x > 0)
% Output:
% tau: step size satisfying the conditions
% This implementation of the backtracking line search differs
% from the original due to the necessity of the feasibility check.
% Additionally, the order of the algorithm is slightly altered,
% though this should not present an issue.
tau = 1; % Initialize step size
while true
candidate_x = x + tau * direction; % Candidate point
if all(b - A * candidate_x > 0) % Feasibility check
if f(candidate_x,A,b,c) <= f(x,A,b,c) + alpha * tau * grad_f' * direction
break; % Feasible and satisfies all the conditions
tau = beta * tau; % Reduce step size
2 个评论
Is it necessary to use symbolic matrices as part of the solution?
No. But it's the simplest way to get gradient and Hessian without errors.
If this was just a test problem and the dimensions of your "real" problem (m,n) are much larger, you should think about where you made a mistake in computing gradient and/or Hessian in order to avoid symbolic preprocessing.
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