Copy/Paste from ListBox at runtime

37 次查看(过去 30 天)
Is there a way to interactively select the entries in an AppDesigner ListBox and then copy them to a different application? Right-clicking on the elements in the list does not pop-up any context menu and also CTRL-C and CTRL-V do not seem to work...


Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2024-12-9,17:45
编辑:Adam Danz 2024-12-9,21:18
Add a right-click "copy" option to ListBox
Create a context menu for the list box and set its MenuSelectedFcn to use clipboard.
For single-selection list boxes
fig = uifigure;
lb = uilistbox(fig,"Items",["Rhodope","Rila","Pirin"]);
lb.ContextMenu = uicontextmenu(fig);
m1 = uimenu(lb.ContextMenu ,'Text','Copy','MenuSelectedFcn',@(~,menuData)clipboard('copy',string(menuData.ContextObject.Value)));
For multiselect list boxes
m1 = uimenu(lb.ContextMenu ,'Text','Copy','MenuSelectedFcn',@(~,menuData)clipboard('copy',strjoin(menuData.ContextObject.Value,newline)));
  1 个评论
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2024-12-9,23:23
> I hoped it would be just some option I could tick in the configuration options of the ListBox.
There is no such option but if you are applying this to many list boxes, you can wrap it into a function that you can easily apply to list boxes.
fig = uifigure;
lb = uilistbox(fig,"Items",["Rhodope","Rila","Pirin"]);
% Add copy option
% Add this function to your app
function applyCopyOption(listboxHandle)
fig = ancestor(listboxHandle,'figure');
listboxHandle.ContextMenu = uicontextmenu(fig);
uimenu(listboxHandle.ContextMenu ,'Text','Copy','MenuSelectedFcn',@(~,menuData)clipboard('copy',string(menuData.ContextObject.Value)));
% For multiselect listboxes:
% uimenu(lb.ContextMenu ,'Text','Copy','MenuSelectedFcn',@(~,menuData)clipboard('copy',strjoin(menuData.ContextObject.Value,newline)));


更多回答(2 个)

Voss 2024-12-9,17:49
You can use the clipboard function.
You'd have to implement any context menu or ctrl+c behavior.
An example using a context menu:
f = uifigure();
lb = uilistbox(f,'MultiSelect','on');
cm = uicontextmenu(f);
lb.ContextMenu = cm;
To have ctrl+c do the copying, you can set the uifigure's KeyPressFcn or WindowKeyPressFcn. See more: uifigure properties

Cristian Berceanu
Cristian Berceanu 2024-12-9,20:15
Thank you for clarifying! I hoped it would be just some option I could tick in the configuration options of the ListBox. Seems it's not.
Regards, Cristian





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