Can I load the Rectangular Waveguide with a dielectric fill?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Using the Antenna Toolbox rectangular waveguide model, it appears there is no option to use a dielectric filler in the waveguide. Is this correct? Can I select the fill medium?

回答(1 个)

Kothuri 2024-12-13
In Antenna Toolbox, the “rectangular waveguide” model does not directly provide a built-in option to specify a dielectric filler for the waveguide. By default, it assumes the waveguide is air-filled.
You can manually define the dielectric properties and incorporate them into your simulation by following the below steps:
  • You can create a custom waveguide geometry that includes a dielectric material. This involves defining the geometry manually and assigning material properties to the interior.
  • You can define a dielectric material using the “dielectric” function and specify its properties such as permittivity and loss tangent.
For example:
d = dielectric('Name', 'CustomDielectric', 'EpsilonR', 2.2, 'LossTangent', 0.001);
  • Create a custom waveguide using the “antenna.Rectangle” or other geometric primitives and assign the dielectric to the inner volume.
You can refer the below documentation ink for more info on “dielectric” :

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