How to improve the accuracy of convolutional network

14 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello. Good morning. Given the Matlab code I wrote, how can I improve the accuracy of the convolutional network? What parameters should I change? Unfortunately, the accuracy is a flat line at 34% at 100 epochs. What points should I pay attention to? Thank you for your guidance.


Jayanti 2024-12-19,5:44
To improve the accuracy of convolutional neural network you can try changing below parameters-
  1. Try increasing the MaxEpochs value. This will allow the network more time to learn from the data.
  2. Experiment with different MiniBatchSize values.
  3. The current learning rate is quite low. Try increasing it to see if the model is learning more effectively.
  4. You can experiment with the depth of architecture by adding few more layers and adjusting the dropout rate.
Hope this might solve your issue!
  1 个评论
NGR MNFD 2024-12-23,11:18
Thanks for the advice. What are the suggested numbers for each of the parameters in your opinion?


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