Matlab & Simulink crash at 2nd model run

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
Robin 2024-12-12,15:03
回答: Fangjun Jiang 2024-12-13,13:44
Hello everyone,
I am blocked on a weird issue I don't manage to solve
We are running a big model which embeds a lot of C code transformed in mex functions, with big buffers allocated on memory in the C code part (up to 20kB).
The first run of this model is perfect. But if I try to run it a second time, Simulink and Matlab crash, without explaining why. It crashes at the 3rd time if using a computer with more RAM (not sure it is relevant, just a note).
If someone could have a idea or an action to avoid this very painful behavior, I'd be very happy...
Thanks in advance

回答(1 个)

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2024-12-13,13:44
After first run, execute "clear mex" or "clear functions" in MATLAB Command Window to see if it makes a difference.


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