DL Network Designer, Sequential LSTM regression
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Iam new to DLN Designer, this is my first try. Im trying to calculate a sequenced timeseries LSTM regression from a 3D matrix input.
I get the following error:
net_6 = train(net_6, X, Y);
Incorrect number or types of inputs or outputs for function train.
5.00 19465.00 21.00
19465.00 1.00
I have changed Y the other way around but that did not help. I have changed MinLength to 1, that did not helped. Any help would be appreciated! Screenshots below.
Thank you so much,
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回答(1 个)
Matt J
The train() command is not applicable to networks composed with the Deep Learning Toolbox. You need to use trainnet, or its older, deprecated version trainNetwork.
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