how to change hinge to existing defined hinge in sap2000 model by SM toolbox

18 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have defined hinges in existing sap2000 model and I opend this model by matlab using SM toolbox and I thave tried to change the assigned hinges with another defined hinges but I did not find any code using SM toolbox codes

回答(1 个)

UDAYA PEDDIRAJU 2024-12-27,7:04
Hi Ali,
The following code might help you:
SapObject = actxserver('SAP2000.SapObject');
% Start Sap2000 application
Sap = SapObject.SapModel;
% Define the hinge properties
oldHingeName = 'OldHinge'; % Name of the existing hinge
newHingeName = 'NewHinge'; % Name of the new hinge to assign
% Get the number of hinges in the model
numHinges = Sap.Hinges.Count;
% Loop through each hinge to change it
for hingeIndex = 1:numHinges
% Get the hinge name
[hingeName, ~] = Sap.Hinges.GetName(hingeIndex);
% Check if it matches the old hinge name
if strcmp(hingeName, oldHingeName)
% Change the hinge to the new hinge
Sap.Hinges.SetHinge(hingeIndex, newHingeName);
% close Sap2000
SapModel = 0;
SapObject = 0;
If the above workaround doesn't help, you may need to check the following query with similar details:
Let me know if anything works for you?

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