- Navigate to Configuration Parameters (Ctrl+E) > Code Generation > Build Process > Build Configuration and choose "Specify" from the dropdown list.
- Navigate to "Toolchain details" tab and specify the header file in the Linker section as: "-lwiringPI".
- Apply the changes.
How can i set Linker flags in an S-Function block
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I am using matlab 2024b and Simulink 24.2. In the S-function builder I wish to use wiringPi deployed to a Raspberry Pi. WiringPi is installed on the Raspberry Pi. How can I add the linker flags so the build process will link to libwiringPi.so located in /usr/lib?
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回答(1 个)
To use the wiringPI library installed on the hardware, the "wiringPI.h" header file can be specifically linked within the s-function during the "Build" process as follows:
Now the wiringPI library can be used when installed on the Raspberry PI hardware.
I hope this answers your query.
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