Getting Error on WebFigure

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Ninad 2015-5-19
回答: Martijn 2016-11-24
I successfully compiled WebFigure Example of java_web_vararg_demo.VarArgServlet.war generated .But on deployment on Apache Server getting Error : Undefined function or variable 'webfigure'
Error in varargexample (line 119) Please help. But other example of "WebFigureExample" working properly.

回答(1 个)

Martijn 2016-11-24
Please do not compile the example by running compileVarArgServletDemo in the
directory. First copy the whole java_web_vararg_demo directory to some working directory outside of your MATLAB installation directory, then run compileVarArgServletDemo from this new location.


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