how can plot such a signal s(-t-5)?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
can anyone help me to make such a signal s(-t-5) from signal s? I have tried the following code: fliplr([zeros(1,5) s]) Is it right?


Abhiram Bhanuprakash
Hi sH,
I think your approach is right, and it accounts for the Y axis values.
But, for the X axis indices, I think you should do something like this:
Say you have a signal s(n) = [1 2 3 4], and you wish to obtain s1(n) = s(-n-5):
s = [1 2 3 4];
inds = 0:length(s)-1;
figure, plot(inds,s); %considering time index 0 as the origin
s1 = fliplr([zeros(1,5) a]);
flippedInds = -(length(s1)-1):0;
figure, plot(flippedInds,s1);
For discrete signal plots, you can use the stem function instead of plot.
Hope this helps,
  3 个评论
Abhiram Bhanuprakash
Oops, sorry, my mistake.
It should be
s1 = fliplr([zeros(1,5) s]);
Thanks Walter for pointing it out.


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