how to search in more than one column?

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how to search by a word in three or four columns if exist record this column
i use a code which search in one column only
so i have to search by the same word three times each time in a different column
i use this code
for E=1:R % from 1 : length of columns
B=~cellfun('isempty',regexp(D,'power')) ; % works good search for power and return 1 or 0
if (B(E) == 1) % if value of array greater than or equal 1
Defs(j)=E; % save its postion (E,1)
else % save all arrays didn't have 'power' separately
how to search in many columns?
  1 个评论
Amr Hashem
Amr Hashem 2015-7-29
Here this code search in one column.
I want to modify it to search in many columns,
ex( if the word exist in column 1 or 2 or 3 )


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