Detecting NaN in cell array

47 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a 54x8 cell array that contains only strings. Most of these strings represent numbers and I would like to detect which cells are NaN.
One possibility would simply be to replace all NaN with ' ' or to check whether each d{i,j} == NaN.


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015-5-26
cellfun(@(C) any(isnan(C(:)), YourCell)
However in your situation you could probably go with
cellfun(@isnumeric, C)
Oh wait, when you say NaN, do you mean the string 'NaN' ? If so then
cellfun(@(C) strcmp(C, 'NaN'), C)
  6 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017-7-8
G H are you comparing numeric nan or string 'NaN'
beginner94 2018-12-18
编辑:beginner94 2018-12-18
Is there a way to use this
cellfun(@(ds) strcmp(ds, 'NaN'), ds))
when the cell elements are not aligned but below each other?
Thank you!


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