Undefined function 'times' for input arguments of type 'cell'.

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi Guys,
I have this error when i use fsolve to solve my equation which uses arrays from the two tables I have defined. The table data are doubles and however I thought it could solve it but it keeps giving me an error saying: "Undefined function 'times' for input arguments of type 'cell'". I have defined two tables called S and R which have 1 column each i.e. column matrix. Would anyone know why fsolve doesn't solve it? I have tried debugging and it gets stuck when i define myfun i.e function to solve. It worked normally before just not in the GUI.
Any help would be extremely appreciated.


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015-6-4
When you get() the Data from a uitable, the result is a cell array. If you want to convert the cell to a numeric matrix, use cell2mat(). For example,
X = cell2mat( get(handles.S, 'Data') );
One thing to watch out for is that it is not uncommon for the Data value of a uitable to be set to a cell array of strings, as using a cell array of strings allows you to control the exact format of the output display. If that has been done, if you are working with a cell array of strings that represent numbers, then you can use
X = str2double(get(handles.S, 'Data'));
with no cell2mat() needed. Note that any string not representable as a single number would be converted as NaN
  1 个评论
sarah 2015-6-4
Thank you so much. I wanted to ask you another thing.
I'm trying to fsolve my equation. In GUI it gives me a complex and completelty wrong answer whereas if I try the same thing in normal command window it gives me good answer. I'm unsure why that is? I checked all my variables are doubles but fsolve gives b equal to complex for some reason


更多回答(1 个)

Greig 2015-6-4
The most likely problem is that X and/or Y are cells. If so, then you will want to have a look are cell2mat to fix this.


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