Interpolating points of a 3D point cloud
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I have two questions:
1. I have a 3D point cloud which isn't continuous. There are a few gaps in it. I want to interpolate this data and fill in those gaps.
I came across functions like triscatteredInterp and scatteredInterpolant. I did not understand how to proceed with this in my case. Kindly help me here. I am getting a blank output.
This is what I am doing:
x = PointCloud(:,:,1);
x_max = max(x(:))
x_min = min(x(:))
y = PointCloud(:,:,2);
y_max = max(y(:))
y_min = min(y(:))
z = PointCloud(:,:,3);
[xi,yi] = meshgrid(x_max:0.01:x_min, y_max:0.01:y_min);
xyz_2D = cat(2,x(:),y(:),z(:));
pointcloud_2D = xyz_2D(~any(isnan(xyz_2D)|isinf(xyz_2D),2),:);
zi = griddata(pointcloud_2D(:,1),pointcloud_2D(:,2),pointcloud_2D(:,3),xi,yi);
surf(xi,yi,zi); xlabel('x') ylabel('y') zlabel('Depth')
2. My second question is: looking at the point cloud, I want to remove those parts which have lesser number of connected pixels. The way we have bwlabel for 2D Images, is there any function in MATLAB which outputs labels for 8 connected objects? This way, I can disregard the one with lesser number of points connected.
1 个评论
Hi @Meghana did you found a good approach for your first question? If yes Can you please tell how you solved it.
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