inverted pendulum modelling in state space

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi all, I'm modelling the behaviour of the inverted pendulum. I looked up this example:
I'm trying to remodel this example, so that I can control the pendulum only with the velocity of the cart. Is that even possible? (on the Matlab site it's the force applied to the cart that is control input). I was playing with state equations, but I didn't come up with anything. Could anybody help?
  2 个评论
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2015-6-5
Can you precise what is your problem. What have you done so far?
Daniel Moulin
Daniel Moulin 2015-6-5
编辑:Daniel Moulin 2015-6-5
and I assumed that velocity (x') is my control input, so u=x'. I have also taken force applied to the cart F as a constant value (let's say 20N). In the model shown above F=u. But as I said I want to control the movement only with velocity. The next step, that I made was trying to differentiate the equations (10), (11) into state-space form and I obtained:
Now I'm not sure if that's correct, because I limited the range of the matrices and also I need x' as a state variable, because of the x'' that is in the equations (10), (11).


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