how to use imwrite in matlab?

25 次查看(过去 30 天)
Anushka 2015-6-17
回答: kass 2020-1-29
how to use imwrite in matlab?The file which that we are specifying to write,should it be already be created in the folder?

回答(4 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015-6-17
No. If the file does not already exist then it will be created. If the file does already exist then it will be overwritten.
  4 个评论
Abdoo 2015-6-18
编辑:Abdoo 2015-6-18
Notice, Check the file is close before you go on, because can't write data and file is open.
Guillaume 2015-6-18
Note: to close all open file handles:
fclose all


B.k Sumedha
B.k Sumedha 2015-6-17
编辑:B.k Sumedha 2015-6-17
This is the general format of imwrite. Its not necessary that image needs to be present in ur folder. Where A is ur image which u want to save,specify the file name and its format. For ex:
imwrite(im_DIF,'Image difference.bmp','bmp');
  4 个评论
mima  zebouchi
mima zebouchi 2016-4-18
but what about imrwite of dicom images plz i need answer
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-4-18
You cannot use imwrite() to write dicom images. You need dicomwrite()


Alejandro Cruz Rubio
Anyone Know how to save a block of images with imwrite?
  8 个评论
Alejandro Cruz Rubio
编辑:Rik 2019-6-3
My version of Matlab is 2018b. Yeah I solve the problem with K and k and I get the same error. And if I use the arrayCells inside of for, that is:
for k=1:numel(arrayCells)
filename = sprintf('Output_block_%d.png', K);
imwrite(arrayCells{k}, filename);
I get this error: "Error using imwrite (line 433)
Unable to determine the file format from the file name" because I use arrayCells but if I use "block" I don´t have any problem but I don´t get my goal
Rik 2019-6-3
With the code you show you actually haven't fixed the code yet. The code below should work a lot better.
for k=1:numel(arrayCells)
filename = sprintf('Output_block_%d.png', k);%<--- lower case k, instead of upper case K
imwrite(arrayCells{k}, filename);


kass 2020-1-29
for k=1:numel(I)
imwrite(I{k}, ['filename' num2str(k) '.pgm']);
%I is arraycells


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