Calculating euclidian distance in RGB spaces

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
The formula for calculating euclidian distance in LUV spaces is:
Diff=E= [( L*)^2 +( U*)^2+( V*)^2]^1/2
∆L is the * difference between- the values of the pixels * in L components, not between the coordinates of the pixels..
Likewise ,in RGB spaces,is the formula same?
  2 个评论
Adam 2015-6-22
That is always the definition of Euclidean distance. The only assumption is that you are in a Euclidean space. Mathematically you may be, but visually is a different matter when it comes to colour of course.



Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015-6-22
You can calculate a Euclidean distance that way, square root of sum of the squares of the differences in values. But it will not have the same properties as delta-e in LUV or delta-e in LAB space (for which see

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