Axes don't move along with grandparent uipanel

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
The following code causes in error whereby, after an initial change in position of an axes parent uipanel's parent, further position changes do not bring the set of axes along with it.
f=figure('units','normalized','position',[.1 .1 .8 .8]);
u=uipanel('units','normalized','position',[.1 .1 .8 .8],'parent',f);
u2=uipanel('units','normalized','position',[.1 .1 .8 .8],'parent',u);
axes('units','normalized','position',[.2 .2 .6 .6],'parent',u2);
set(u,'position',[.15 .1 .8 .8]); drawnow; pause(0.5);
set(u,'position',[.2 .1 .8 .8]); drawnow; pause(0.5);
set(u,'position',[.25 .1 .8 .8]); drawnow; pause(0.5);
set(u,'position',[.3 .1 .8 .8]); drawnow;
All of the children of uipanel u should move in tandem as u's position changes and remain centered. However, the axes remain statically located on the screen.
Does a workaround exist for this bug?


Mike Garrity
Mike Garrity 2015-6-22
What version of MATLAB are you using? That looks like a bug that was fixed in R2014b.
If it's the one I'm thinking off, then fiddling the Position of the figure would often get everything layed out correctly again. Something like this:
set(f,'Position',get(f,'Position')+[0 0 eps eps])
  1 个评论
Marshall 2015-6-22
Thanks Mike. I'm currently on R2013a, perhaps I should upgrade. I created a workaround by detecting the location of the axes with respect to higher ancestory and resetting the parent, which fixed the problem in the meanwhile. Your solution may be a bit easier.


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