I want to ring an alarm after Drowsy Detection

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I recently made system to detect a drowsy driver. I have captured the image, cropped it, detected the eye's status (open or closed). Afterwards I want to make an alarm ring if and when the eye remains closed for over 2 seconds, but I am unable to do this. Can anyone do tell me the further coding or programming part, that will make my application working?


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015-6-26
Once you've detected that a drowsy state has been entered, you can play a sound file on the computer with the sound() or soundsc() function.
If you want to play it on some external alarm, then you can have your computer send signals to other devices via the USB port (such as to a Measurement Computing Corporation device), or to an Arduino, Beagle board, or Raspberry Pi device. You can search the forum for those devices if you want sample code.

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