Quitting matlab unresponsive due to memory (maybe)

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
When I try to make matlab deal with, say 16384*16384 matrix (or maybe the function needs to use a few of such matrices in it), matlab stops working and it makes the whole computer unresponsive. Now, my computer certainly has 2GB to spare (which is what I think such a matrix would require) but it stops working none the less.
I am quite sure this is a global problem, I have experienced this on 3 separate computers that run win7 and have 8gb ram. If this problem can be solved, it would be the best.
But in case matlab simply cannot deal with 2GB matrices, I'd like to be able to kill matlab without shutting down the computer using the power button.
If matlab simply cannot be shutdown when it is unresponsive, I'd at least want to be able to make sure matlab never even attempts to execute a code that would require it to create such a matrix.
  1 个评论
Matt J
Matt J 2015-7-31
So, even the Task Manager cannot be invoked (by right clicking on the task bar) when the computer freezes?In any case, a good trouble shooting strategy would be to use DBSTEP or the debugger GUI to step through your code and identify at which line the computer hangs.


回答(1 个)

Amr Hashem
Amr Hashem 2015-7-31
you can exit from some matlab versions by:
- Ctrl + C
- Ctrl + Break
  1 个评论
htrh5 2015-7-31
ctrl c or ctrl break works only if matlab is still responsive. this causes the computer to simply die



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