Why does imfinfo not give a timestamp for tiff file when image J does?
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I have a time series of bout 100000 tiff files. And I am trying to efficiently get the time stamps from all the files in the form of an excel sheet. I tried using imfinfo in MATLAB and exifread in python. Both give me the exact same metadata for the tiff files, but neither gives me the time stamp. When I open the same tiff file in ImageJ, I can see the time stamp, but I can only see it one frame at a time, which is not efficient. Can someone suggest a way to get the time stamps in MATLAB or python?
Here is a link to the google drive folder that has a zip file containing a few of the tiff files https://drive.google.com/a/usc.edu/file/d/0B-UUDROd7kxJdzZ6TmlPT0hVbzQ/view?usp=sharing
Thanks Sara
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回答(2 个)
Abhishek Pandey
Hello Sara,
I understand that you want a way to get the time stamps in MATLAB.
As far as I know, “imfinfo” function does return the time stamp in a structure under the “FileModDate” field. If you’re looking for something else, sharing one of the files with the community might prove helpful.
- Abhishek
Solved? Other suggestions on this topic? I have the same issue with some .stk video. Thanks, Mara
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