Image segmentation of a human body binary image
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Hi I have a database of binary images of a person in different poses(running,walking etc)I want to segment the image into different parts hands legs etc. and also i want to compare the changes in its position of its hands and legs etc with respect to time using that database ie
I will first segment one image and then find a relation between those segmented parts of one image with the segmented parts of the next image and this process will happen in a loop and also somehow I create a relation between the changes.
How do I do this?Has this kind of segmentation done already?Is there a general approach ?Will ANN(artificial neural networks) be used for this?
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Image Analyst
See section 2.14 for lots of published algorithms.,%20Detection,%20Tracking,%20Gesture%20Recognition,%20Fingerprints,%20Biometrics
Pick one and code it up.
2 个评论
Image Analyst
编辑:Image Analyst
There probably is but I doubt it would be some simple chunk of a few hundred lines of code. You're not going to find any code that is simple if it's also to be robust to lots of different silhouettes. If it were so simple, you would not find lots of papers and decades of research on it. However if you want to do it manually, you can use imline(). I attach a demo of how you can create a mask of lines that you can then use to write the background in, essentially separating the silhouette into different regions.
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