Export matched lines from two text files

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I need to identify the same lines between the two text files, mwithrm21.txt and virgomrmdist.txt, based on column 7 of each files. These matches should then be exported into a new text file, while removing the matched lines from mwithrm21.txt.
I have attached the text files.
I drafted the code below:
content1 = fileread( 'mwithrm21.txt' ) ;
content2_rows = strsplit( fileread( 'virgomrmdist.txt' ), sprintf( '\n' )) ;
found = cellfun( @(s)~isempty(strfind(content1, s)), content2_rows ) ;
output_rows = content2_rows(found) ;
fId = fopen( 'similarvclf.txt', 'w' ) ;
fprintf( fId, '%s\n', output_rows{:} ) ;
fclose( fId ) ;
output_rows = content2_rows(~found) ;
fId = fopen( 'mwithrm21_new.txt', 'w' ) ; % Remove the '_new' for overwriting original.
fprintf( fId, '%s\n', output_rows{:} ) ;
fclose( fId ) ;
But, I do not know how to make it specific to only searching column 7 and then exporting the entire matched line to a new text file.
  6 个评论
Cedric 2015-8-15
编辑:Cedric 2015-8-15
Actually, you say that you want to match rows based on column 7 only, but when they match the other columns don't always match. What do you want to have in the output?
For example:
file1 : 188.83785|27.56214|-14.4|18.931|0.398|~|SDSSJ123521.05+273343.6
file2 : 188.83785|27.56214|18.931|0.398|-14.4|~|SDSSJ123521.05+273343.6
Should we export both?
jgillis16 2015-8-15
I understand, which is why I worked through it (thanks for the reminder email!!).
It doesn't matter honestly, since the output material in the lines is the same, except in different order. But, since my main focus is to export lines matching in mwithrm21 to a new text file while removing the matched lines from the original mwithrm21 text file, I would like the exported lines to come from mwithrm21.txt



Cedric 2015-8-15
编辑:Cedric 2015-8-16
Here is a first draft. Test it and let me know if anything is unclear or doesn't work.
% - Read files content as strings.
content1 = fileread( 'mwithrm21.txt' ) ;
content2 = fileread( 'virgomrmdist.txt' ) ;
% - Extract last column of each content.
codes1 = regexp( content1, '[^|]+(?=(\s|$))', 'match' ) ;
codes2 = regexp( content2, '[^|]+(?=(\s|$))', 'match' ) ;
% - Matches codes.
[isMatch_1in2, match_posIn2] = ismember( codes1, codes2 ) ;
% - Split content. Careful, whatever generates these files still uses
% carriage returns (\r) only.
rows1 = strsplit( content1, char(13) ) ;
rows2 = strsplit( content2, char(13) ) ;
% - Output matches (version mwithrm21.txt). Use new line chars (\n) as
% joint instead of carriage returns, change if you prefer \r.
fId = fopen( 'matches.txt', 'w' ) ;
fwrite( fId, strjoin( rows1(isMatch_1in2), '\n' )) ;
fclose( fId ) ;
% - Output non-matching rows of file 1.
fId = fopen( 'mwithrm21_reduced.txt', 'w' ) ;
fwrite( fId, strjoin( rows1(~isMatch_1in2), '\n' )) ;
fclose( fId ) ;
% - Output non-matching rows of file 2. Eliminate matching rows first.
rows2(nonzeros( match_posIn2 )) = [] ;
fId = fopen( 'virgomrmdist_reduced.txt', 'w' ) ;
fwrite( fId, strjoin( rows2, '\n' )) ;
fclose( fId ) ;
  • Replaced match_posIn2(match_posIn2~=0) with nonzeros( match_posIn2 ) after reading an answer by Matt J in another thread that mentions NONZEROS.
  7 个评论
Cedric 2015-8-17
编辑:Cedric 2015-8-17
Just replace the patterns in the calls to REGEXP with:
This means: match
  • One or more character (as many as possible) different from '|'.
  • Preceded by either a white space (which, in your case, is the carriage return of the previous line) or the beginning of the string.
PS1: if execution speed is important, you should profile Per's solution and mine, to see which one is the fastest in your specific case.
PS2: the previous patterns
meant: match
  • One or more character (as many as possible) different from '|'.
  • Followed by either a white space (which, in your case, is the carriage return after column 7) or by the end of the string.
  • [abc] is a set of characters to match (not a string, it means 'a' or 'b' or 'c').
  • [^abc] is a set of characters not to match.
  • + means "one or more (as many as possible) what precedes".
  • (?<=...) is a positive look-behind for whatever is between = and ).
  • (?=...) is a positive look-forward for whatever is between = and ).
  • (..|..) is an OR operator.
  • \s means "white space" which includes spaces, tabs, carriage returns, new lines characters.
  • ^ codes for the beginning of the string.
  • $ codes for the end of the string.
With that, you can decipher the patterns in principle.
jgillis16 2015-8-17
OK! That was very helpful!!! Thanks!
Next time, I'll have a little more clue to what I need to code and maybe I might get it done myself without bugging you guys :)


更多回答(2 个)

per isakson
per isakson 2015-8-16
编辑:per isakson 2015-8-16
Here is an example of a different approach to solve the task. The two output files, mwithrm21_reduced.txt and matches.txt, are identical besides the new line characters.
function et = cssm()
% et(1) = cssm_1();
et(2) = cssm_2();
function et = cssm_2()
fid = fopen( 'mwithrm21.txt', 'rt' );
rows1 = textscan( fid, '%s', 'Delimiter','\n' );
fseek( fid, 0, 'bof' );
codes1 = textscan( fid, '%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%s', 'Delimiter','|' );
fclose( fid );
fid = fopen( 'virgomrmdist.txt', 'rt' );
codes2 = textscan( fid, '%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%s', 'Delimiter','|' );
fclose( fid );
ism = ismember( codes1{1}, codes2{1} );
fid = fopen( 'matches.txt', 'wt' );
fprintf( fid, '%s\n', rows1{1}{ism} );
fclose( fid ) ;
fid = fopen( 'mwithrm21_reduced.txt', 'wt' );
fprintf( fid, '%s\n', rows1{1}{not(ism)} );
fclose( fid );
et = toc;

r r
r r 2021-5-11
I have two files in which there are numbers in the first column that are similar and I want to print the line that matches and differs in the number of the first column in the two files:
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Fiel.1
fid1 = fopen( 'E1.txt', 'rt' );
T1 = textscan(fid1,'%s', 'delimiter', '\n');
%codes1 = textscan( fid1, '%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%s', 'Delimiter','|' );
fclose( fid1 );
fid2 = fopen( 'G1.txt', 'rt' );
T2 = textscan(fid2,'%s', 'delimiter', '\n');
%codes2 = textscan( fid2, '%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%s', 'Delimiter','|' );
fclose( fid2 );
T1s = char(T1{:});
T2s = char(T2{:});
%Similar data between two files::
%[C,ix,ic] = intersect(T1s,T2s,'rows')
%Differences data between two files::
[B,ib,ib] = visdiff(T1s,T2s,'rows')
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%print output:::
fid = fopen( 'Similar.txt', 'wt' );%Print all similar lines
fclose( fid ) ;
fid = fopen( 'Different.txt', 'wt' );%Print all different lines
fclose( fid );


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