What is edit text box type in GUI when I using findobj function?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I try to get GUI edit text box object in separate m-file because I like to print something to this text box from m-file. What is the 'Type' of this edit text box when using findobj function?


Cam Salzberger
Cam Salzberger 2015-8-31
Hello Teemu,
I understand that you would like to use the findobj function to get access to edit boxes in a GUI.
The 'Type' of an edit box is actually 'uicontrol', just like all other UI Controls (push buttons, pop-up menus, etc). However, you can specify the 'Style' property when calling findobj to get only edit boxes:
hEditBoxes = findobj('Type','uicontrol','Style','edit');
Note that if you use findobj a lot in your code, it can slow things down. If at all possible, save the handle from when you create the edit box (or extract it from the handles structure if the GUI is made in GUIDE) and pass it as an input argument to the function that needs access to the edit box.
I hope that this has helped!

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