Stop Figures Window on the progress of Global Optimization Toolbox from maximizing itself

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Hi, I'm running a global optimization toolbox's simulated annealing algorithm. I enabled graphics by
options = saoptimset('Display','iter','PlotFcns',{@saplotbestf,@saplottemperature,@saplotf,@saplotstopping});
This plots a bunch of functions on the progress of simulated annealing. The problem is, when I minimize the "Figures - Simulated Annealing", it maximizes itself. The worse problem is, when I'm working on Matlab scripts, it frequently moves into the Figures, so that I have to switch back into the script editor window. Is there a way to tame the Figures? More precisely, what I want is, when I minimize the Figures (by clicking on the leftmost button the top right hand corner), it will be minimized until I manually maximize the window. I'd appreciate your help. Thank you so much!


Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss 2015-9-2
Thank you for reporting this undesirable behavior. The development team will investigate fixing it in a future release.
Meantime, you can work around the problem in your MATLAB installation as follows.
  1. In Administrator mode, edit the file C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2015b\toolbox\globaloptim\globaloptim\private\gadsplot.m or the equivalent file for your installation.
  2. Search for the command shg. In my installation, it is on line 130 as follows: set(0,'CurrentFigure',fig);shg
  3. Remove the shg command from this line.
  4. Include the following lines of code just below the line where you removed shg:
if (strcmp(flag,'init'))
5. Save gadsplot.m, and restart MATLAB.
I hope that this works for you. It did for me.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation

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