Using Java UUID in Matlab

31 次查看(过去 30 天)
Gurudatha Pai
Gurudatha Pai 2015-9-7
I am trying to use JAVA UUIDs to identify the objects in my code. When I try to print it inside an fprintf, I get a weird error. I could print it in disp but that is not ideal since I want a good formatted message.
>> temp = java.util.UUID.randomUUID;
>> myuuid = temp.toString;
>> disp(myuuid)
>> fprintf(myuuid)
Error using fprintf
Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier.
Any help in understanding or fixing this error is appreciated.
  1 个评论
David Galbally
David Galbally 2021-8-21
>> temp = java.util.UUID.randomUUID;
>> myuuid = temp.toString;
>> MATLABstr = myuuid.toCharArray';
>> fprintf(MATLABstr)


回答(3 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015-9-7
编辑:Walter Roberson 2015-9-7
fprintf('%s\n' myuuid);
If that doesn't work then
fprintf('%s\n', char(myuuid));
  3 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015-9-7
It appears that I was adding a second option to my answer just as you replied. Did you get a chance to try
fprintf('%s\n', char(myuuid));
Emile Glorieux
Emile Glorieux 2020-8-26
This doesn't work for me.
>> fprintf('%s\n', char(myuuid));
Undefined function or variable 'myuuid'.


Philipp Tempel
Philipp Tempel 2022-3-17
This may be too stupid to be true but, looking at the source code of tempname(), you can see that you can simply do
uuid = char(matlab.lang.internal.uuid())
  1 个评论
Andrei Veldman
Andrei Veldman 2022-3-17
编辑:Andrei Veldman 2022-3-17
True, but then you would be using an undocumented Matlab feature, which could change without warning...


Andrei Veldman
Andrei Veldman 2022-1-19
...or, using pure Matlab (no need for converting form Java):
[~,guid] = fileparts(tempname)
guid = 'tp8d1a6bd2_0ac7_4c0a_8d3d_b32e4e97b746'


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