Updated Value Edit Text

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Daniele Morello
Daniele Morello 2015-9-7
hi everyone, my problem is: i have to compare two values of the same edit text, the one is the "old" value, and the other one is the value that i insert. i "save" the old value into a variable with funcion OLD_VALUE = get(handles.editText, 'String'). During the execution of the program, i digit some numbers into the edit text, then i should to do the comparison, but at this point, if i use the same function get(handles.editText, 'String'), this function give me the same old value. how can i do to get the updated value?

回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015-9-7
If you are using a callback of the edit control then You will not be able to get the new value until you press enter on the edit control
  2 个评论
Daniele Morello
Daniele Morello 2015-9-7
the comparison between two values happens when i click on a specified button, that's why i need to get the new value (the one that i insert) immediatly.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015-9-7
If you are using a callback of the edit control, then it cannot be done without going to the Java level. If you are using a callback of something else, the update of the property will happen immediately, and will be reflected in the display visually as soon as there is a drawnow(), pause(), figure(), uiwait(), waitfor(), or control is returned to the command line.



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