Read nonrectangle csv with brackets

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I have a csv file that contains pairs of latitudes and longitudes and other types of data. For example, the first two lines after the headers are
"T1","B",NA,15,20000542,1408039037,"A","False","[[-8.585676, 41.148522], [-8.585712000000001, 41.148638999999996], [-8.585685000000002, 41.148855000000005], [-8.585730000000002, 41.14892699999999], [-8.585982, 41.148962999999995], [-8.586396, 41.148954], [-8.586072, 41.14872], [-8.586324000000001, 41.147847], [-8.586999, 41.147459999999995], [-8.586575999999999, 41.14715400000001], [-8.584883999999999, 41.146623000000005]]"
"T2","B",NA,57,20000108,1408038611,"A","False","[[-8.610876000000001, 41.14557], [-8.610858, 41.145579000000005], [-8.610903, 41.145768], [-8.610444, 41.146190999999995], [-8.609445000000001, 41.146758], [-8.608896, 41.147118], [-8.608968, 41.147127], [-8.608707, 41.147532000000005], [-8.608347, 41.148117000000006], [-8.608149, 41.148351000000005], [-8.608041, 41.148576000000006], [-8.607654, 41.14926], [-8.607348000000002, 41.149899000000005], [-8.607393, 41.149899000000005], [-8.607357, 41.149962], [-8.606817, 41.150979], [-8.606358, 41.151914999999995], [-8.605719, 41.152788], [-8.604981, 41.153318999999996], [-8.604783, 41.154345], [-8.604828, 41.154372], [-8.604801, 41.155353], [-8.604648000000001, 41.156774999999996], [-8.604522, 41.158197], [-8.604513, 41.159943000000005], [-8.604377999999999, 41.16055500000001], [-8.604377999999999, 41.1606], [-8.604369, 41.160644999999995], [-8.60436, 41.160807], [-8.604162, 41.161176], [-8.604126, 41.161248], [-8.60409, 41.16129300000001], [-8.60409, 41.161266000000005], [-8.604108, 41.161239], [-8.604126, 41.161194], [-8.604135, 41.161275], [-8.60391, 41.162048999999996], [-8.602929000000001, 41.162832], [-8.602551000000002, 41.163111], [-8.601894, 41.163597]]"
The strings have quotes and the lat/long column is a string of variable length. I am primarily interested in the lat/long data and would like to read each line into a numeric cell array where the first column is the latitude and the second is the longitude and the rows are the points. For example,
C{1}(1,1) = -8.585676
C{1}(1,2) = 41.148522
C{1}(2,1) = -8.585712000000001,...
C{2}(1,1) = -8.610876000000001, ...
I have tried xlsread but that reads the lat/longs in as strings with the brackets and does not separate into latitude and longitude. What is the best way to do this?


per isakson
per isakson 2015-9-16
编辑:per isakson 2015-9-16
I think reading and parsing must be done in two steps. With R2013a
>> tic, C = cssm( 'cssm.csv' ), toc
C =
[11x2 double]
[40x2 double]
Elapsed time is 0.009517 seconds.
>> C{1,1}(1,:)
ans =
-8.5857 41.1485
>> C{1,1}(2,:)
ans =
-8.5857 41.1486
function out = cssm( filespec )
% out = cssm( 'cssm.csv' )
fid = fopen( filespec );
cac = textscan( fid, '%*q%*q%*s%*f%*f%*f%*q%*q%q', 'Delimiter', ',' );
fclose( fid );
buf = regexprep( cac{1}, '\] *\,', '];' ); % replace "]," by "];"
out = cell( size( buf ) );
for jj = 1 : length( buf )
str = buf{jj};
out{jj} = str2num( str );
and cssm.csv contains the two lines of your question.

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