How can I embed struct-query as argument for other command?

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I tried several datatyp-conversions, but the following lines don´t work:
info = imaqhwinfo('gige')
dev_info = imaqhwinfo( char(info.AdaptorName) , cellstr(info.DeviceIDs(1, 1) ) )
The Error is as followed:
Error using imaqhwinfo (line 91)
Second input must be specified as a numeric vector, a string, or 1xN cell array of strings.
Error in A1_Bildaufnahme (line 17)
dev_info = imaqhwinfo( char(info.AdaptorName) , info.DeviceIDs(1,1) )
I can of course fill in the arguments manually in the code, but I like to automate this step.
The struct is as followed:
info =
AdaptorDllName: 'C:\MATLAB\SupportPackages\R2015a\gigevi...'
AdaptorDllVersion: '4.9 (R2015a)'
AdaptorName: 'gige'
DeviceIDs: {[1]}
DeviceInfo: [1x1 struct]
How does I get this step to work?


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015-9-17
编辑:Walter Roberson 2015-9-17
dev_info = imaqhwinfo( info.AdaptorName, info.DeviceIDs{1}(1) )

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